Clearing Money Blocks

Clearing Inherited Patterns That Block You From Success.

 The saying goes "It takes a village to raise a child". Well what if your village doesn't resonate with you? It's like forcing a square peg in a round hole. Some people are lucky enough that the round hole is large enough for the square peg, but for many it's no

So many people are directionless or hit road blocks everywhere they go because the expectations our parents raise us with may not be what we are wanting and it's a tug-of-war between soul and the reality you live in.

For many people it takes getting older to realize this and by that time half your life is gone.

Have you ever said "I wish I can go back and start over knowing what I do now". Well you can't change the past, but maybe we can find out who you really are inside.

This protocol walks you through removing those old patterns passed down and helps you to look deep within your soul to see what lies behind the generational curtains.

I challenge you to come to the mirror of life and see what comes up. If you try this protocol I would love to hear about your experience in the comments.

Facing the Oracle of Inner Self

~The oil of Truth~

Place one drop on top of your head.

Allows the Devine to assist in unveiling inherited false truths that don't serve your lifestyle.

Black Pepper
~The oil of Unmasking~

Place one drop on back of neck and inside both elbow creases.

Allows you to face what has kept you from moving forward in life. What works for others may not work for you. This is a powerful oil that you will feel an immediate shift in energy.

~The oil of Cleansing~
 Place one drop on your third eye, which is the middle of your forehead.

Now that you have faced the mirror of what you have become, we are wiping that slate clean. Removing the fears of scarcity and doubts.

~The oil of Releasing and Forgiving~

Place one drop on your heart chakra, the space between the nipple line.

You are allowed to forgive yourself for being programmed from an early age the ways you did not choose. Now is the time to establish who YOU really are.

~The oil of Releasing Control~

Place one drop on your solar plexus, the space below the rib cage and above the belly button.

Helps you to detach from negative patterns or emotions. This is reaching in the far corners of your spirit, you are now ready to embrace your new path.

~The oil of Learning~
Place one drop on your sacral chakra, which is below your belly button.

It's time to reach out to the Devine teacher and allow her to teach you your new way of life.

~The oil of Mother Earth~

Place one drop on the heart reflex point at the bottom of left foot. (See Reflexology Chart for location)

You childhood upbringing may have been rocky and left you unable to trust. This oil helps you to connect with Mother Earth and allow her to teach you trust, confidence, and security.

~The oil of Sacred Devotion~

Place one drop on the inside of both wrist creases.

Now it's time to quiet the mind and connect with your spiritual guidance. Be sure to breath through this one until you are ready to move to the next oil.

Wild Orange
~The oil of Abundance~

Place one drop on your solar plexus.

Now that we have erased old patterns and connected you to Source, it's time to instill your new normal and to open up and receive abundant love and inspiration.

Ylang Ylang
~The oil of the Inner Child~

Place one drop on your heart chakra swiping upward.

You may have felt heavy in your heart after the last oil due to standing on the edge of faith. Ylang Ylang helps you to take that leap without fear and allow yourself to be free. This allows you to see life through a new lens of fearlessness.

~The oil of Truth~

Place one drop on top of your head.

In the beginning we were unveiling the truth you have been living, now it's time to see the truth of your new path.

After you are done with this protocol be sure to save some time for meditation. Allow your mind to clearly see what message your spirit has been waiting to tell you.

Journal your experience afterward so you have something to look back on when you you lose sight of your goals.

If you are new to the world of meditation, I will have a guided meditation for you to follow in the future.

It is best to follow this protocol up with the Self Love blend for one week, longer if you feel you need it. 

Are you new to essential oils and want to get started?  Contact me and I can help you find the best oils for your lifestyle.


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